The Hospital Medical Centre in Goleniów offers patients comprehensive medical care and support. Please check out our vast array of services on offer. We rely heavily on our knowledge and experience to safeguard the wellbeing of our patients both in the area of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
In order to allow our patients to avail themselves of our offer in the best possible way, we have prepared the following two options, tailoring them especially for you:
- medical assistance provided as part of the European insurance system;
- medical assistance provided as part of the fully-paid service system.
Our Centre praises itself with staffing highly qualified medical professionals, making use of state-of-the-art equipment and offering the possibility of getting expeditious hospital diagnosis. We adapt our patients’ terms of stay to their individual work and family situation. Our Hospital Medical Centre is made up of the following departments:
The Surgical Department, which, in particular, deals with:
- alimentary canal surgery;
- phlebology (lower extremity varices);
- hernia surgery, using state-of-the-art tensionless methods;
- endoscopy of the upper and lower alimentary canal segment.
The Internal Disease Department, in which our specialists perform extended diagnostics and treatment in the area of internal diseases. We offer a full range of lab exams and imaging exams (ultrasonography USG, x-ray tests RTG, computed tomography CT) without access limitations or waiting for endoscopic diagnostics and alimentary canal ailment treatment, as well as functional exams of the cardiovascular system (ECHO, effort tests, 24-hour ECG tests based on the Holter method and 24/7 monitoring of arterial pressure).
The Children’s Department specialises in treating children. It diagnoses and treats children suffering from a variety of child-age illnesses, above reference levels, in the area of problems affecting the urinary system. Our rooms are perfectly adapted to accommodate children and their parents on a 24/7 basis.
The Obstetric Department offers patients two labour rooms, both adapted for family labour. We offer our patients a number of alternative methods of perinatal care and active labour with the aid of balls, chairs, “sako” labour sacks, labour bathtubs, aromatherapy sets or music-based therapy. Caesarean sections are performed in conduction anaesthesia, which facilitates immediate contact with the child. We prefer safer methods of easing the pain, such as e.g. massage, “TENS” and relaxation in water. We also offer labour with the aid of “laughing gas”. Each patient can go through labour accompanied by a closely related person. In the area of gynaecology, our department deals with diagnosis and treatment of ailments affecting female sexual organs.
The Intensive Medical Care Department offers help and assistance to patients who are in a very serious health condition or whose life has been directly subject to danger. The department is a highly specialised unit fully equipped to offer the best quality of service to those in need.
The Care and Treatment Department offers services to patients who have completed hospital treatment, but, nevertheless, require further hospitalisation given their health condition and the need to be subject to continuous medical surveillance. They also need professional nursing care and rehabilitation.
The Surgical Outpatient Clinic realises medical services in the area of general surgery. It also performs diagnosis and treatment of abdominal pain, oesophagus diseases, stomach and duodenum illnesses, gallbladder ailments, bile tract ailments, large intestine diseases and pancreatic diseases. We diagnose and treat dermal changes, nail diseases, traumas/injuries, burns, frostbites that do not require hospital treatment, as well as skin infections.
The Neonatological Outpatient Clinic provides medical assistance to children born with risk factors of the foetal and perifoetal period.
The Orthopaedic and Trauma Outpatient Clinic deals with diagnosing and treating defects of motion organs, both inborn and acquired, as well as diagnosing and treating diseases related to defects of the movement organs, of the ligament and joint system, joints and muscles.
The Gynaecology and Obstetrics Outpatient Clinic deals with women’s health, in the broadest sense of the word.
The Gastroenterological Outpatient Clinic and the Diagnostic and Treatment Endoscopy Laboratory extends its care and assistance to all patients requiring diagnosis and treatment of their alimentary tract diseases. All patients covered by the system of medical care within the gastroenterological clinic can use the diagnostic and therapeutic background facilities offered by the Hospital Medical Centre in Goleniów.
Your health is your most precious gift. It is our common goal to help it, support it and treat it!